Item Number 29
内容紹介 Get YOUNGER THIS YEAR with 365 days of healthy habits to boost vitality energy and confidence. With tips on eating nutritiously making deep personal connections maintaining optimism setting exercise patterns?and the lowdown on why these practices are so important for feeling like your best fittest most youthful self. Adapted from the New York Times bestselling series this wise upbeat calendar is your day-to-day guide to greeting each day ahead with joy clarity and vigor. An inspiring and motivating gift for friends spouses parents and grandparents. 著者について Chris Crowley a former litigator (Davis Polk & Wardwell) is the coauthor with Henry S. Lodge of the Younger Next Year books and the coauthor with Jen Sacheck PhD of Thinner This Year. Though in his eighties he fully lives the life skiing black diamonds and routinely doing thirty-mile bike rides. He and his wife live in Connecticut and New York City.
Review Count | レビュー件数 | 0件 |
Review Average | レビュー平均 | 0(5点満点) |
Shop Name | ショップ | ブレッシング |
Price | 商品価格 | 2,551円(税込み) |